
How fragance can contribute to cancer

Hello, I just had occasion to look at a slide-show of a Breast Cancer Awareness event, and noticed a sponsorship banner for a prominent, national candle company displayed near the stage area. I commented to the coordinator of the event about how ironic it would be for this particular company to show interest in breast...

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How Can You Combat Dry, Flakey Skin?

The seasons are changing. Leaves are falling, as temperatures fall in the evenings, and our quotient of sunshine decreases with each passing day. The air is becoming drier as well, and many women are experiencing the tell-tale signs of low-level dehydration, inadequate moisture barriers on their skin, and a summer of too much sun. [gallery]...

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Hot off the Press

Monave  has restocked their natural  skin care section. Back in stock are a variety of well loved items.  First are our wonderful  lotions from our natural bodycare line , Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter for Face and Body. Both lotions are amazingly moisturizing with no synthetic waxes and scented with essential oils of Lavender, Sweet Orange and Peppermint. The Lavender/Rosemary Shampoo and Condtioner are also...

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Monave Memorial Weekend Sale

Hi Everyone Monave Mineral Makeup is having a Memorial Weekend Sale! Sale starts on Friday May 28th to Sunday May 30th!  So if you have been putting off getting your mineral foundation or trying a color from our new collection of mineral eye shadow now is the time to do it! The sale is 30% off the entire retail site,...

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Monave’s New Crystal Collection

There are some new gems being mined at Monave Mineral Cosmetics this Spring! Our new Crystal Collection have a total of four new mineral eye shadows and two mineral lip colors. The mineral eye shadows are, Tourmaline, a rich verdant green, Peridot, a delicate  apple green color with a shimmer of gold, Carnelian, a fiery orange and Smoky Opal, a pearlescent...

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