Andrea’s Before and After Photos wearing Monave Mineral Makeup

[caption id="attachment_427" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Wearing Canela, Radiant Illuminizer, and Monave Candy Apple Lip Glaze"][/caption] Our new friend Andrea has a You-Tube Channel, and asked if she could review. We sent her samples of some Monave Mineral Makeup. You can watch the full review here: Andrea Chavez\'s Review of Monave Mineral Makeup See her beautiful face in...

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Brilliant Women I Admire

Wow After the number of years I've been in this business, I am still amazed by how much I learn from the brilliant women that are featured as speakers at our twice-yearly Mineral Makeup Crafting seminar.  This year, Kimberly Platko was the main speaker, besides myself, and Julie Edwards stepped in for a mini-workshop. In...

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Wow what a Seminar!

Monave's Mineral Makeup Seminar a Success! [caption id="attachment_197" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Donna Maria Coles Johnson, founder of Indie Beauty"][/caption] It was an incredible day of learning and networking yesterday at Monave; 12 participants from all over the country, and five speakers teaching topics ranging from making mineral foundation to applying it, to marketing it. Donna Maria...

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Red Lip Color in Mineral Make up?

We had a client come into our studio the other day, and she was concerned that her mostly Middle Eastern clientele would not satisfied with a 'natural' palette of colors. So I showed her some of our brighter shades: Pink Berry, and Tiger Lilly. Pinkberry especially caught her eye. On her slightly caramel skin, it was...

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New Executive Monave Mineral Makeup Wholesale Rep on Staff

[caption id="attachment_125" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Julie is excited to be on board with Monave"][/caption] Monave is pleased to have a new wholesale executive rep on board; Julie Casper. She is a licensed esthetician and makeup artist, who trained at the prestigious Von Lee International School of Esthetics in Pikesville, MD. Julie comes with a degree in...

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