As I put on my mineral foundation this morning, I noticed that it looked a little to orangey. I was able to buff it in and create a softer look, but I realized, with chagrin, that summer is now rolling to a close. sniff sniff.

Although I always, always wear my monave mineral makeup foundation, which keeps my skin protected from UVB and UVA rays, I still get a little color, so I ramp up from Caroline to Teporah. Now I’ll have to refresh my supply of Caroline and start blending them together.

The beauty of loose mineral foundation is that you can easily blend two colors together. There are a few different ways to do it. You can apply the lighter shade first, and then top off your look with the darker shade.

Another method is to use a small ceramic dish and tap a few crumbs of the two shades into the dish, and swirl it around with your brush. As you apply it, and begin buffing your mineral makeup foundation in, the two shades will easily blend together and create a natural looking blend.

One more method is to pre – blend your makeup by taking equal parts light and dark and rolling them around in a ziplock bag. Then gently pout it into your cosmetic jar. You may need to adjust it by adding more or less of one of the shades until you find the right match. I personally prefer the second method, because my skin seems to change color often, and I don’t like to mix too much of it ahead of time.

And one final trick is to use Rum Bronzer either on the cheeks over the foundation, or gently mixed in using one of the techniques above.

Also don’t forget, as the season gets drier, you’ll need to up your moisture a bit so as not to become dehydrated!


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